Quarterly updates on training dates, current projects, events, and new publications.


A graphic depiction of hydrogen molecules as many balls, some are held together by a stick and two balls.

Advancing Green Finance: Green Banking Programme Commences Third Phase

We're pleased to share updates on the ongoing success of the IKI-funded Green Banking project, which has recently entered its third implementation phase, scheduled to run until 2026. This phase, initiated in November 2023, places a strategic focus on improving the financial landscape for green energy projects and supporting project developers in establishing a bankable pipeline of climate change mitigation projects. To achieve these goals, RENAC will be implementing a scholarship-based capacity-building program across six partner countries.

The Green Banking team is in the process of developing two additional learning pathways for the Green Energy Finance Specialist Programme: Small Scale Projects and Project Developers. These pathways are expected to be integrated into the program by the end of 2025.

For those interested in immediate access to green banking trainings:  
The 5-month Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS) and the 2-years full Master on Business Management in Green Energy and Climate Finance are available as fee-based programmes within RENAC's Online Academy and are open for registration now.

Katharina Hartmann, Project Director, hartmann@renac.de


A collage of students and lecturers engaged in teaching and learning activities involving solar and wind technology. Some students stand together for a photo, and others are next to a solar panel taking notes.

10 Years of RENAC's Online Academy!

Benefit from our 10 years of experience in offering high-quality distance learning programmes on renewable energy and energy efficiency.

RENAC’s online programmes offer participants the flexibility to set their own schedules as they complete their studies from any location. Programmes cover key energy transition topics to support professional development, including wind energy, PV, biogas, and green hydrogen. 

Learn more about the 15 options available in English and 6 in Spanish and enrol now for the next intake in April. The dynamic learning experience includes theoretical content, self-tests, instructional videos, and an interactive programme forum. Participants can also receive a RENAC certificate.

"The Green Hydrogen Specialist certification is definitely a cut above the rest of the programs available across the globe and in my opinion, there is no comparable to it. Additionally, The Green Hydrogen Economics and Project Development online training helped me to take business decisions more wisely both for internal and external stakeholders." Mr. Sharma, Green Hydrogen Specialist: Project Development and Economics

Enrol now and start on 1 April!

Raquel Cascales, Project Director, onlineacademy@renac.de

Apply now for the executive course Entrepreneurship in the Green Energy Industry

The MBA Renewables is a distance learning study programme jointly offered by Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) and the Renewables Academy since 2011.
In its spring semester, the programme offers the elective module “Entrepreneurship in the Green Energy Industry” as an executive course. This module explores the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, emphasizing on the green energy sector. Apart from MBA Renewables students, the course is designed for entrepreneurs and start-up founders in the green energy industry who want to delve into the fundamentals of entrepreneurship with a focus on green energy business. 
Applications are currently open and the course is starting on 1 June 2024. 

To know more about the course, you can visit our website.

Uta Zähringer, Director Academic Programmes, zaehringer@renac.de


A collage of participants at a green energy and economy transition tour, which includes participants learning together, attending site visits, and posing for photos.

Star-C: Establishing Solar Technology Appliation Resource Centres as Centres of Excelence in Benin, Bangladesh and Buthan

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is currently establishing STAR-C (Solar Technology Application Resource Centres) in Benin, Bangladesh and Bhutan. These STAR-Centres will act as centres of excellence, providing expertise and training to governments, the private sector, communities and individuals, and acting as a one-stop-shop for capacity building, testing, incubation and dissemination of solar technologies. 

A Country Assessment Validation Workshop for the establishment of the STAR-C in Bangladesh was held in Dhaka on 30 January. Organised by the Bangladesh Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources and ISA, the event brought together various local institutions and associations to learn how a STAR-Centre can contribute to the further development of the solar photovoltaic sector. RENAC had conducted a comprehensive assessment and developed implementation strategies and roadmaps over the last few weeks and presented the highlights of the report at the workshop. 
At the time of writing the country assessment reports for Bangladesh and Benin are being finalised and for Bhutan it is in the stage of preparation.

Jens Brand, Project Director, brand@renac.de 

Supporting the market development of Photovoltaics and Green Hydrogen in Algeria

RENAC has officially launched its mission to support the market development of solar PV and green hydrogen in Algeria with an Inception Week held in Algiers during the first week of December 2023.Throughout the week, RENAC engaged with key stakeholders from ministries, state-owned companies, clusters and beyond, all dedicated to advancing the fields of solar energy, green hydrogen and sustainable financing.

Our team presented a comprehensive range of tailor-made activities to support the three main objectives of the mission: capacity building, private sector development and market creation for renewable energy. These activities include online training programmes, face-to-face courses, workshops and mentoring programmes aimed at empowering stakeholders and fostering growth in the renewable energy sector.

The inception week culminated in a one-day conference where the results of the week were presented to all partners and focus themes for all three areas - solar energy, green banking and green hydrogen - were developed through interactive group work.

Check our website for further project details.

Agnieszka Wörner, Project Director, woerner@renac.de

Implementation of the first Training System for Green Hydrogen in India

RENAC and the Gujarat Energy and Management Institute (GERMI), under the auspices of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Climate Action (BMWK) and the GIZ, have joined forces to build workforce capacity for green hydrogen in India: Together with several other international experts, these training institutes have developed a unique 5-day train-the-trainer programme on "Green Hydrogen PtX - Electrolyzer and Fuel Cell Installation". This training project focuses on solar resources harnessed through PV arrays to power hydrogen plants for the production of hydrogen and its many uses. 

The primary technology used in this green hydrogen training project is supplied by the leading German innovators Enpater for the AEM electrolyser and SFC for the fuel cells. The first programme was successfully completed on 16 February and several of the new trainers will be in action in this month, delivering two of the many regular training courses.

Gérald Lamusse, Head of Division, lamusse@renac.de

Empowering South Africa's Green Hydrogen future: Expert exchange event series coming up 

In response to the global imperative for sustainable solutions in carbon-intensive sectors, RENAC is proud to play a role in the GIZ-led South African-German cooperation initiative H2.SA, driving change and facilitating knowledge exchange on green hydrogen and power-to-x. Over the next 20 months, we will conduct 15 expert exchange events tailored for different stakeholders, including industry players, policy makers, investors, researchers and local communities. 

With 12 web-based and 3 in-person events, RENAC is facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the potential of green hydrogen in South Africa. Our events cover topics critical to South Africa's hydrogen ecosystem, including:
- Policy & Strategy Development
- Business Development
- Research & Training
- Sustainability & Just Transition.

Registration for the 1st Expert Exchange is open now:
Commercialising Green Hydrogen and Power-to-X - South Africa's Strategy and Case Study// 17th of April
If you want to receive direct invitations, please contact Charlene Rossler.

Find more information on the project website or download the project flyer.

Charlene Rossler, Project Director, rossler@renac.de

Solar energy roadmap in Uganda

The International Solar Association (ISA) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) are committed to supporting Uganda's energy transition. The Solar Energy Roadmap in Uganda project with RENAC and GIZ aims to develop a national energy roadmap and build capacity in the solar sector. Phase one of the project included a capacity needs assessment and a solar energy capacity building roadmap. Phase two involved a training programme focusing on the early stages of the solar PV value chain. 

The first training for policy makers was held on 6 and 7 February with 26 participants from ministries and public institutions related to renewable energy, Keynote speakers Dr Brian Isabirye, Commissioner of the Department of Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, and Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General of the International Solar Alliance, opened the training series. The second training was held from 19 to 28 February and focused on the financing of solar energy projects. Finally, the Train the Trainers programme will be held in March and will target project developers as well as people linked to academia who can replicate the methodologies to develop solar projects in Uganda.

We would like to thank all the participants who took part in our trainings and underline the Renewables Academy's commitment to contribute to the development of clean technologies in different countries.

Ernesto Villalobos Portilla, Project Manager, villalobos@renac.de

ETRELA's Inception Missions Elevate Capacity Needs Assessment in Honduras and the Dominican Republic

ETRELA's introductory missions to Honduras and the Dominican Republic complemented the comprehensive Capacity Needs Assessment phase of the project. Under the auspices of the International Climate Initiative (IKI), ETRELA is a transformative initiative, driving renewable energy and energy efficiency education and training across seven Latin American and Caribbean countries.
Guided by the implementing lead OLADE (Organización Latinoamericana de Energía), RENAC, and Global Factor, carry out a Capacity Needs Assessment to develop a profound understanding what their future partners need and how they can benefit the most from the roll out of the ETRELA project.

The recent inception missions to key stakeholders in the energy sector of Honduras and the Dominican Republic were fostering a productive exchange on market developments, trends, and project requirements around clean energy solutions. Receptions, facilitated with the ambassador of Honduras, her excellency, Ms. Daniela Vogel, on 25th January 2024, and on 2nd February 2024 with the ambassador of Dominican Republic, her excellency, Ms. Maike Friedrichsen, alongside with the energy ministries of the respective countries complemented the political perspective.

Notably, ETRELA's collaboration with esteemed universities has been equally crucial. This joint effort is to encourage a new generation of environmentally conscious professionals, driving sustainable progress in the region.

Silke Jensen, Project Director, jensen@renac.de

New business trips for German RE companies looking to expand their business abroad

As part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative, supported by the German Ministry of Economics and Climate Action, RENAC announces a series of new business trips focusing on energy storage and infrastructure. Register now as places are limited to 8 participants:
Energy-Business Trip Chile: Storage systems and technical solutions for grid flexiblisation// 3.6.-7.6.2024
Energy-Business Trip Hungary: Energy infrastructure: Smart grids, digitalisation and energy storage// 10.6.-14.6.2024
Energy-Business Trip Tansania: Decentralised energy supply with renewable energies// 10.6.-14.6.2024
Energy-Business Trip Ukraine: Reconstruction of critical energy infrastructure and a renewable energy system// 24.6.-27.6.2024

Laura Scharlach, Head of Division, scharlach@renac.de


Countdown for the 2024 edition of the World Future Energy Summit

Meet RENAC at the World Future Energy Summit at ADNEC in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 16–18 April 2024. Once again RENAC will be exhibiting at the event. Come by stand 7126 at the German Pavilion and learn more about our wide range of services. 

This event brings together industry influencers, problem solvers, and cutting-edge solutions, focused on creating the blueprints for a sustainable future.

If you would like to arrange a meeting, please feel free to contact Manolita Wiehl, International Business Development and Sales.

Manolita Wiehl, wiehl@renac.de

Roundtable at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue

On March 20 RENAC will be chairing the high-level round table “Capacity Building Strategies Enabling Energy Transition” taking place at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue BETD.24 at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. The event is being organized by the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) and eclareon GmbH, and will be moderated by the German Solar Association (BSW).

The roundtable will bring together ministry representatives, donors, funders and training institutions with the common target to skill relevant stakeholder groups for the energy transition worldwide. At this roundtable RENAC and our hosts would like to share experiences on successful Capacity Building approaches, strategies and policies, and also open up the discussion on prioritizing education and coordinating funding amongst donors and funders. More information about the BETD.24 is available through the website.

Manolita Wiehl, wiehl@renac.de


Two cover photos for the Eurobserver reports are displayed next to each other. The one on the left displays sheep in a grassy field next to solar panels beside blocks of text, including the title, which reads, 'Photovoltaic Barometer.' The one on the right displays a wind turbine across a clear blue sky beside blocks of text, including the title, which reads, 'Wind Energy Barometer 2023.'

Freshly released: The State of Renewable Energies in Europe by EurObserv'ER

The latest report from EurObserv'ER sheds light on the dynamic landscape of renewable energies in Europe. Did you know that in 2022, the share of renewable energy in the EU's total gross final energy consumption surged to 23%, marking a significant increase from the previous year's 21.8%? Moreover, the share of renewables in gross electricity consumption within the EU-27 soared by nearly 5%, ascending from 37.5% in 2021 to an impressive 41.2% in 2022.

This and a complete overview of the development of the various renewable energy sectors in the EU can now be found in the recently Annual Overview Barometer 2023.

EurObserv'ER Barometers are available to the public free of charge. 

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Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG
Schönhauser Allee 10-11
10119 Berlin

+49(0)30 587 087 000