Quarterly updates on training dates, current projects, events, and new publications.


Dear Reader,

The global energy transition to renewable energy sources and energy efficiency is not just a trend; it's a necessity. In a world experiencing the impacts of climate change, the urgency to adopt sustainable energy use and generation has never been clearer. The good news is that the green energy market is experiencing unprecedented growth, and at the heart of this transformation lies the need for skilled professionals equipped to drive change.

Capacity building and training initiatives play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the green energy sector. As governments, businesses, and individuals embrace the shift towards sustainable practices, a skilled workforce becomes the linchpin for success. By investing in training programs, we empower individuals and institutions with the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complexities of green energy technologies.

One notable trend in the market is the remarkable growth of renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives worldwide. The momentum is not merely a fleeting phenomenon, but a sustained movement towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy landscape. Countries are setting ambitious targets, and businesses are increasingly recognizing the economic benefits of going green. This shift is creating a demand for professionals who can design, implement, and manage the energy transition.

In addition to renewable sources, energy efficiency is emerging as a critical component of the global energy transition. Smart technologies, energy management systems, and sustainable building practices are becoming integral to reducing energy consumption. The market for energy-efficient solutions is expanding rapidly, creating opportunities for professionals skilled in optimizing energy usage across various industries and sectors.

Some highlights of this year are described in our newsletter. We managed to build up PV training infrastructure in Mozambique and Iraq, supported the International Solar Alliance with developing plans for solar centres of excellence, and developed new courses in green hydrogen and also calculation tools for assessing the economics of green hydrogen.

This holiday season, let us celebrate not just the festivities, but also the progress we have made in building a sustainable future. By offering a wide range of training topics related to green energy, we pave the way for a skilled workforce that can lead the charge in the global green energy revolution. As we exchange gifts, let knowledge and expertise be the most valuable presents we offer to our planet. After all, a brighter and greener tomorrow starts with the commitment to empower those who will shape it.

I wish you all a Happy and Peaceful New Year in 2024.

Berthold Breid, CEO Renewables Academy RENAC


A graphic depiction of hydrogen molecules as many balls, some are held together by a stick and two balls.

ETRELA Phase II launched: Scaling up Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Education in Latin America

ETRELA's primary focus is on improving access to renewable energy (RE) education and training (E&T) in Latin America (LA), to develop a skilled workforce in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.

This initiative is generously funded by IKI, the International Climate Initiative of the German government, and is led by OLADE - Organización Latinoamericana de Energía, and implemented in collaboration with Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG, Global Factor, and eight partner universities from Argentina, Peru, Uruguay (Phase I) and Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Honduras (Phase II).

The ETRELA project has started recently with two inception missions to Brazil and Colombia, which marked the beginning of a comprehensive assessment of the capacity needs of the partner universities. This groundwork paves the way for the implementation of various project activities under the guidance of RENAC, including the establishment and equipping of training centres, the facilitation of online training, and the delivery of train-the-trainer seminars.

Silke Jenssen, Project Director, jenssen@renac.de


A collage of students and lecturers engaged in teaching and learning activities involving solar and wind technology. Some students stand together for a photo, and others are next to a solar panel taking notes.

MBA Renewables to be offered twice in 2024

In response to the growing global markets for renewable energies and energy efficiency, the MBA Renewables will have a second intake in 2024. The prestigious online study programme will admit new students also for an April intake to meet the growing demand for professionals in the field.

The MBA Renewables is offered jointly by the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) and RENAC. It is designed to equip future leaders with advanced interdisciplinary management skills tailored for leadership roles in the highly globalised green energy markets.

Graduates have gone on to have successful careers in various sectors of the renewable energy industry, including entrepreneurship, management, consultancy, and policy advisory roles. The programme's holistic approach to education prepares students to thrive in the ever-evolving renewable energy landscape.

The application deadline for the April intake is 10 March 2024 and applications are currently being accepted.

Uta Zähringer, Director Academic Programmes, zaehringer@renac.de

Next intake of RENAC's Online Academy starts in February 2024

Stay at the forefront of developments in renewable energy and energy efficiency with RENAC's Online Academy short courses. Participants can choose from 18 course options and have the flexibility to set their own learning schedule, completing the course from any location.

Each course lasts four weeks and requires approximately 20-30 hours of study time. Short ourses are designed for anyone who wants to expand their understanding and skills in a variety of innovative topics. 

"This training course is excellent! I got a new skill in a short amount of time, which I am sure will help me with my new professional goals." Mr. Rivadeneira, Synergies between Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

The dynamic learning experience includes theoretical content, self-tests, instructional videos and an interactive course forum. Participants receive a RENAC certificate at the end of the course.

Enrol now and start on 1 February!

Raquel Cascales, Project Director, onlineacademy@renac.de


A collage of participants at a green energy and economy transition tour, which includes participants learning together, attending site visits, and posing for photos.

US Delegation Explores German Offshore Wind Expertise

In September, a US delegation of offshore wind experts visited Germany for a four-day bilateral exchange with key stakeholders from the German offshore sector.

During their visit, the delegation attended the HUSUM Wind Energy trade fair in Husum, where they exchanged ideas with industry leaders and actively engaged in a panel discussion on global supply chain needs in the offshore sector.

The visit concluded with a scenic flight over offshore wind farms, where the delegation gained first-hand insight into the advanced offshore wind infrastructure in Germany.

The trip was organized by RENAC on behalf of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action within the US-Germany Climate and Energy Partnership, in cooperation with Adelphi and the German-American Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Cecilia Strandberg, Project Director, strandberg@renac.de 

RENAC is collaborating with the International Solar Alliance (ISA) to advance solar technology in member countries.

ISA has introduced the STAR-C (Solar Technology Application Resource Centre) concept to promote the growth of photovoltaic (PV) technology in its member countries. STAR-C encompasses a range of services, including training programmes for various stakeholders, PV product testing services, dissemination efforts to promote solar applications, and support for innovation and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). RENAC is actively supporting ISA by developing implementation strategies tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of Bangladesh, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Somalia and Uganda.

RENAC has carried out comprehensive assessments and developed country specific plans, implementation strategies, roadmaps, business proposals and procurement specifications necessary for the establishment of training centres. To date, RENAC has successfully completed assessments for Côte d'Ivoire, Somalia and Uganda, with implementation plans underway, while the development of specific concepts for Benin and Bangladesh is ongoing.

Berthold Breid, breid@renac.de 

H2Uppp online programme completed with remarkable success

More than 100 experts from 18 countries have successfully passed the rigorous examination of RENAC's 150 hours certified e-learning programme H2Uppp - Green Hydrogen Economics and Project Development. From September to December, these dedicated participants delved into the intricacies of green hydrogen, enhancing their knowledge and skills in green hydrogen electrolysis, green ammonia production, fuel cell power plants, hydrogen and ammonia transport, and hydrogen as well as hydrogen derivatives markets.

Our green hydrogen experts are poised to excel in their careers with their newly acquired expertise and certification. We thank them for their dedication and hard work and look forward to their contributions to the development of green hydrogen. Congratulations to each of our new Green Hydrogen Experts. This comprehensive programme is now available as a regular offering at RENAC's Online Academy.

GIZ and RENAC have joined forces in a private public partnership project for this International Hydrogen Ramp-up Programm (H2Uppp) which is supported by the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

Albrecht Tiedemann, Project Director, tiedemann@renac.de

RENAC, together with Sendea UG and Inensus have completed several trainings on solar home systems and solar mini-grids in Uganda.

The training programme focuses on different aspects of solar -home-systems and mini-grids, such as best practices on installation, commissioning, testing and remote monitoring. Participants gained both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in these areas. They were equipped with the skills to effectively assess and troubleshoot these systems, ensuring their long-term functionality and building confidence within communities adopting renewable energy solutions.

Emphasis was placed not only on technical aspects or skills, but also key soft skills regarding operational, managerial and commercial expertise. Proper upscaling of these job profiles and sharing of successful mini-grid related business cases are seen as a critical factor in the sustainability of solar projects, particularly in remote or challenging locations.

The programme is funded by the Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFE) managed by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO).

Rafael Juan Martí, Project Director, juan@renac.de
Jens Brand, Expert Trainer, brand@renac.de

Expanding the scope of RENAC: Introducing new topics and new countries within the German Energy Solutions Initiative

In 2024 RENAC will offer a series of events as part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative, aimed at German energy companies seeking global expansion opportunities. The initiative will focus on key topics such as energy infrastructure, storage technologies, energy grids, digitalisation and e-mobility.

RENAC offers a comprehensive range of activities, including energy-focused business trips, webinars and fact-finding tours to destinations around the world, including the MENA region, North and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and various European countries.

The German Energy Solutions Initiative is an initiative under the auspices of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) to support German companies in the energy sector in their pursuit of climate-friendly energy solutions on the global stage.

Laura Scharlach, Head of Division German Energy Solutions Initiative, scharlach@renac.de

Empowering Vietnam's grid experts

46 participants from electricity grid operators completed the six-week online training Photovoltaic Power Generation in Distribution Grids - Typical Situations and Applied Solutions recently.

The courses examine 12 scenarios commonly encountered in low and medium-voltage grids due to high levels of rooftop solar PV and provide in-depth knowledge of the critical situations particularly relevant to Vietnam.

Developed jointly by experts from c.con, Germany, and the Electric Power University (EPU), Vietnam, our training materials are made available in both English and Vietnamese, with explanatory videos and expert interviews. Participants also worked on an assignment to analyse their company's situation and design a roadmap for a potential solution.

The training is a part of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (4E) in Vietnam project, funded by GIZ, commissioned by the BMZ and co-funded by the EU. It commenced its second phase in 2018 and was scheduled to conclude at the end of 2023.


Marta Stetsiv, Project Director, stetsiv@renac.de

Project launch: Shaping Economic Prosperity through Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen

The focus is on supporting the ramp-up process for PV and GH2 market development in Algeria. At the same time, knowledge and skills on financing options for renewable energy and energy efficiency will be sustainably improved. 

To raise awareness of the important cross-cutting issues of women's empowerment, environmental and social aspects, they will be horizontally integrated into the training of the financial sector, project developers and decision-makers. This assignment will be implemented within the framework of the GIZ project Shaping Economic Prosperity through Renewable Energies and Green Hydrogen

With the main objectives of capacity building, private sector development and market creation for renewable energy, various activities will be implemented, tailored to the specific target groups. Activities will include capacity building through online training programmes, F2F courses and workshops, and private sector development through mentoring programmes.

Agnieszka Wörner, Project Director, woerner@renac.de


Two cover photos for the Eurobserver reports are displayed next to each other. The one on the left displays sheep in a grassy field next to solar panels beside blocks of text, including the title, which reads, 'Photovoltaic Barometer.' The one on the right displays a wind turbine across a clear blue sky beside blocks of text, including the title, which reads, 'Wind Energy Barometer 2023.'

New EurObserv'ER Barometer on Biogas and RES in transport

The most recent EurObserv'ER Biogas barometer has been published: +1.3 % Biogas primary energy production growth in the EU 27. The initial EurObserv’ER estimates put the European Union’s primary biogas energy output for 2022 at over 15.8 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), which amounts to modest annual growth of 1.3% (196 410 tonnes of oil equivalent).

The preliminary data gathered by EurObserv’ER suggests that renewable energy consumption in European Union transport, be it road, rail, maritime or air transport, driven by combustion or electric engines, increased by about 2.0 % between 2021 and 2022, to almost 19.4 Mtoe. 

EurObserv'ER Barometers are available to the public free of charge. 

For more information on upcoming events, courses, programmes, and projects, follow us on:

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