Quarterly updates on training dates, current projects, events, and new publications.


A graphic depiction of hydrogen molecules as many balls, some are held together by a stick and two balls.

Project Closing: Market and Business Development for Solar Power and Energy Efficiency in Iraq

In a collaborative effort between RENAC and GIZ, solar power and energy efficiency are now better placed to become cornerstones of Iraq's sustainable development, after a two-year project aiming to transform Iraq's energy landscape.

The project was designed to nurture Iraq’s solar energy market and improve local energy efficiency.

This was done by establishing three state-of-the-art PV training centres in the country and training 35 Iraqi PV trainers in Germany and in Iraq, contributing to improving the nation’s PV skills in the future. 

Additionally, 14 Energy Innovation Coaches (EICs) acquired the skills and knowledge to consult organisations in matters of energy efficiency and to conduct audits, generating savings for Iraqi companies.

Finally, the project developed the Solar-Iraq website, a comprehensive best-practices and directory resource of PV and energy efficiency information, professionals, and companies, as well as a networking space for practicing and aspiring Iraqi energy experts.

Silke Jenssen, Project Director, jenssen@renac.de


A collage of students and lecturers engaged in teaching and learning activities involving solar and wind technology. Some students stand together for a photo, and others are next to a solar panel taking notes.

Unlock Your Future in Green Hydrogen at RENAC's Online Academy

For those interested in advancing their careers in the up-and-coming field of green hydrogen, RENAC offers two online programmes: Green Hydrogen and Renewable PtX Professional and Green Hydrogen Specialist: Project Development and Economics.

Both programmes last approximately 5 months and require a study time of approximately 120 and 150 hours, respectively. The former is targeted primarily at professionals looking to transition to the renewables sector and offers a broader scope, whereas the latter offers a deep dive into the future green hydrogen economy.

The individual courses in the programmes include downloadable curated learning materials developed by RENAC experts, self-test exercises, and teaching videos to facilitate learning. After passing the final exam, participants are awarded a RENAC certificate, a 10% discount on any other RENAC course, and membership of our alumni network.

The next intake for these, and the rest of RENAC’s 16 inspiring online programmes in English and 6 in Spanish, is in October. Find out more about our offering here.

Albrecht Tiedemann, Project Director, tiedemann@renac.de

Join Our Award-Winning Blended Learning Programme: Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS)

Dive into the rapidly evolving world of sustainable finance with RENAC’s award-winning Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS) programme. This comprehensive programme comprises a range of courses covering essential topics in sustainable finance, legal frameworks, and innovative green energy technologies.

Starting on the 1st of October, the 20-week online learning phase sets the foundation for participants’ journeys. Following completion of the online courses, they then have the opportunity to participate in an immersive three-day seminar, either in-person or remotely, scheduled for next March in Berlin.

Upon completion, participants receive a certificate from RENAC and also have the chance to earn 28 ECTS credits from the Berlin School of Economics and Law. These credits can be applied to further educational opportunities in the green energy and climate finance sector.

GEFS is also available in Spanish in collaboration with the IFC Green Banking Academy.

Katharina Hartmann, Project Director, hartmann@renac.de


A collage of participants at a green energy and economy transition tour, which includes participants learning together, attending site visits, and posing for photos.
Strengthening Vocational Education and Training to Improve Renewable Energy Access in Mozambique – GreenSkills4Dev

On the 4th of July, under the umbrella of BMZ’s Green People’s Energy (GBE) project, RENAC and GIZ hosted a workshop to discuss the project’s outcome with local stakeholders in Maputo, Mozambique.

The workshop involved enriching discussions between TVET centre directors and representatives of the educational regulator (ANEP), the national fund for renewables (FUNAE) and the Mozambican renewables association (AMER).

In its last phase, the recently completed project aimed to bolster vocational training across eight provinces in Mozambique by setting up 14 training centres and training local instructors in photovoltaics. It was a resounding success, successfully training 37 instructors who have already begun skilling local participants to become the professionals set to drive the improvement of energy access across the country.

To this end, GIZ and RENAC aim to bridge the gap between vocational training and employment opportunities in the renewable energy sector with plans already tabled to launch one-year certified courses in Mozambique by 2024.

Jens Brand, Project Director, brand@renac.de 

RENAC Empowers Green Hydrogen Developers in Nigeria

Participants comprising energy professionals from various sectors gained insights into renewable energy planning in general, and green hydrogen development in particular, with trainers and industry experts coming together to share their knowledge and skills.

The training covered key topics around green hydrogen technology, project financing, and legal and regulatory issues. It deepened participants' understanding of green hydrogen economics, including cost and revenue models, and policy and market trends. They also learned how to tackle likely challenges in complex deployment scenarios and how to negotiate and draft specialised contracts for green hydrogen projects.

Charlene Rossler, Project Director, rossler@renac.de 

Discovering Offshore Wind in Canada and Germany

In June, RENAC led a Canadian delegation on a tour of offshore wind energy in Germany.

The trip featured discussions with key stakeholders from Germany’s offshore wind sector. With stops in Berlin, Hamburg and Cuxhaven, it included meetings, site visits and networking events, climaxing in an aerial tour of offshore wind parks near Heligoland.

“This delegation trip has been an incredible opportunity to network across all levels of government, research, and the private sector while seeing developing technologies and changing needs for energy in real time… [It] expanded my knowledge and enriched my professional journey. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to applying the insights gained as we develop offshore wind in Canada.” Ashley Noseworthy, Board Member, econext.

The trip was organised on behalf of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action within the Canada-Germany Energy Partnership in cooperation with Adelphi and the German-Canadian Chamber of Industry.

Cecilia Strandberg, Project Director, strandberg@renac.de 

First ever RE YOU Regional Conference

Around 200 participants gathered to attend the first RE YOU Regional Conference, held on the 20th of July in Balıkesir, Türkiye. Titled “Progress and prospects for the development of the solar, wind and biogas sectors in Türkiye and the EU”, RENAC was charged with presenting the latest developments on these topics in the EU. The conference attracted a diverse audience including academics, professionals from renewable energy companies, representatives from NGOs and governmental institutions, and participants from the RE-You Training Programme.

The presentations delved into the current status and market penetration of renewable energy technologies including biogas, green hydrogen, battery storage, solar, and wind energy.

The event also provided an overview of employment opportunities in the renewable energy sector, certification systems for qualified installers in Germany, and educational programmes in Germany tailored for this sector. To round it all up, it featured a case study on carbon-free heating systems powered by solar PV heat pumps.

Emilienne Tingwey, Project Director, tingwey@renac.de  

First successful consortium building in New Zealand

RENAC, on behalf of Germany's Energy Solutions Initiative, facilitates the EcoVolutionAlliance consortium in New Zealand. Comprising five German companies—LUNOS, GUTEX, PRO CLIMA, STIEBEL ELTRON, and ENERGATE— the consortium promotes energy efficient housing technologies in New Zealand. After meeting local officials and companies there in May, the consortium, guided by RENAC, is currently evaluating business options.

The consortium model mitigates risks for SMEs venturing into foreign markets. By pooling expertise, companies cut risks and costs while boosting the likelihood of success. Unfeasible projects become viable through collective effort, leading to integrated turnkey solutions.

The Energy Solutions Initiative remains on the lookout for partners around the world. If you are part of upcoming green energy projects or investments, anywhere, get in touch. Proposals for green energy initiatives are accepted throughout the year and reviewed quarterly.

Christiane Vaneker, Project Director, vaneker@renac.de

RENAC reaches over 600 participants from around the world in cooperation with the International solar Alliance

With the support of GIZ India and in cooperation with the International Solar Alliance (ISA), the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) delivered a series of 12 online live training sessions for various stakeholders from ISA’s member countries including academics, professionals working in the energy sector, and local government representatives. The objective of the initiative was the promotion of small-scale solar power to improve energy access using renewables.

Each training session was delivered by a team of experts in solar photovoltaic projects over the course of a week, during which participants were also able to profit from discussing and sharing their expertise and building stronger networks.

The content comprised a solid foundation of topics revolving around solar rooftop solutions and mini-grids, including technical concepts, system design, and project implementation best practices, along with the economics of small-scale solar power. It was delivered in English, French and Spanish, and reached participants in 27 countries around the world.

Catalina Avila Morales, Project Director, avila@renac.de


An animated graphic providing information on an upcoming conference that reads, 'The smarter Europe. Europe's largest platform for the energy industry. June 14 - 16 2023.' The conference logos disappear and reappear.

Germany's largest PV industry conference sets new standards for knowledge transfer and networking

As conversations about energy security and climate protection become more frequent and urgent, be it in the halls of government, on talk shows, or around the kitchen table, the landscape they describe is becoming ever more complicated. Navigating this terrain is increasingly challenging, as it is rife with intricate interdependencies and a rising level of specialisation. Even seasoned experts find it difficult to keep abreast of everything that is happening, let alone maintain an exhaustive understanding of this growing field. This complexity hampers the speed at which innovative solutions can be found while increasing the need for them to be implemented.

Meet the RENAC team at the Forum Solar PLUS taking place at the bcc Berlin Congress Center on the 21st and 22nd of November. Forum Solar PLUS offers an inspiring view of future trends, the chance to pick the brains of experts in the field, and exceptional networking opportunities in the industry.

Learn more about the forum and buy tickets with a 10% discount using this code: 2255_MP_SolarPLUS23_RENAC


Two cover photos for the Eurobserver reports are displayed next to each other. The one on the left displays sheep in a grassy field next to solar panels beside blocks of text, including the title, which reads, 'Photovoltaic Barometer.' The one on the right displays a wind turbine across a clear blue sky beside blocks of text, including the title, which reads, 'Wind Energy Barometer 2023.'

New EurObserv'ER Barometer on Solar Thermal an CSP

The most recent EurObserv'ER Solar Thermal and CSP Barometer has been published. According to EurObserv’ER, the solar thermal market recovery triggered in 2021 was confirmed in 2022 with 11.9% growth in the annual installed capacity figure, i.e., 1 660.7 MWth installed. This capacity equates to a collector area of almost 2.4 million m2.

Only a single thermodynamic solar power plant (also known as a concentrated solar power plant) was commissioned in Europe in 2022, making it a slow year. The plant in question, the SOLINPAR CSP plant is in Italy, and takes the country’s concentrated solar power capacity to 12.4 MW and the European Union’s CSP capacity to 2 333.1 MW.

EurObserv'ER Barometers are available to the public free of charge. 

Fuelling the Future: RENAC’s Skills Assessment Study for Namibia’s PtX Sector

Partnering with Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) as part of the International PtX Hub initiative, RENAC recently conducted a capacity needs assessment study on the available and required workforce education and skills for Namibia's green hydrogen and PtX sector to thrive.

Titled "Enhancing Employability Skills Needs and Gap Analysis in Namibia’s PtX Sector and Recommendations for a Skills Development Programme", the study highlights the key technical, scientific, and managerial skills required in the PtX industry, identifying local barriers for the workforce aspiring to be employed in this field.

It offers strategies for local policymakers and the private sector to close the presented skills gaps, bolstering the pool of qualified candidates to work in Namibia's emerging green hydrogen, PtX and renewable energy industries. The full study is available for download on the International PtX Hub's website

Catalina Avila Morales, Project Director, avila@renac.de

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